Dan has had a long career in the asphalt business spanning 35 years, following a receipt of a bachelor’s degree from the University of Kansas.
Dan dedicated his entire career to Koch Industries and its affiliates. For over three decades Dan served in several positions of increasing responsibilities, which cumulated to the last 13 years of which he served as Director of Asphalt Marketing and Supply for Flint Hills Resources. During this time, Dan personally oversaw the retail and wholesale business and championed his team’s support of the Asphalt Institute. Dan retired from Flint Hills Resources in December of 2018.
Dan’s personal participation within the Asphalt Institute spans many years beginning in 2007 when he began serving on the Board of Directors. Dan would go on to serve on the Board of Directors for twelve consecutive years. During this time Dan concurrently served on the Finance Committee for four years from 2007 though 2010. From 2007 through 2008 Dan participated as a Director-at-large on the Executive Committee.
In addition to his personal service, Dan was an advocate and supporter of his corporation’s full financial commitment and employee involvement in the Asphalt Institute. The Asphalt Institute and its constituents could always count on Koch Industries’ active participation and financial support. For many years, under Dan’s direct supervision and support, his team demonstrated consistent active involvement many of which are still participating at a high level within the Institute today. Through all economic cycles, Dan was steadfast in keeping his employer informed about the value of continued membership in the Institute.
Dan Blair has a long record of positively influencing the asphalt industry through his support of the Asphalt Institute as well as his tutelage and mentoring of employees and other industry personnel alike who continue to serve the Asphalt Institute today. It is unquestionable that Dan was a strong supporter of the industry and of the mission of the Asphalt Institute. Upon consideration of this as well as his longstanding distinguished career dedicated to the Asphalt Institute, it’s members and the Industry, Dan has earned the recognition of the Asphalt Institute’s Distinguished Service Award.