As a leading facility in asphalt industry research, testing and analysis, the Laboratory of the Asphalt Institute offers knowledgeable, certified technicians and professional engineers with a reliable technical support network of Institute industry experience. We are AASHTO-accredited, fully calibrated and equipped to meet your performance and technical needs in a variety of key areas:
Accomplishments and Credentials of the AI Laboratory
- Part of the principal architect team of Superpave’s development and refinement
- Developed Superpave Binder and Mixture courses for FHWA
- Participated in NCHRP 9-7, 9-9, 9-10, 9-12, 9-16, 9-38, AAPTP 05-07 and 06-01 research projects
- Active member participants in ASTM, AAPT, ETGs and TRB Committees
- Developed the National Binder Technician Certification Program
Request more information about any of the Asphalt Institute Laboratory services.