Dr. Eugene L. Skok, Jr. has made a major contribution to the asphalt industry over the last 35 years in pavement design and in the evaluation of pavement materials. He is also a leading researcher and educator in asphalt technology.
He is currently the Director of Research for Braun Intertec Corporation of Minneapolis and is principal investigator in the North Central Region Coordination Office for the Federal Highway Administration’s Long Term Pavement Performance Division.
In his 35 years of pioneering asphalt education and asphalt technology, Dr. Skok has worked at the American Association of State Highway Officials (AASHO) Road Test in Ottawa, Illinois; as a researcher for the Asphalt Institute; as a research fellow at the University of Minnesota; and as an instructor at St. Paul Technical College.
Dr. Skok is the author and co-author of more than forty publications on asphalt pavement technology. Among his notable publications are included “A Ten Year Performance Report on Asphalt Stabilized Sand Road With Instrumentation” (with Mathur, Wenck and Ramsey), presented at the Third International Conference Transportation Research Record 898 at the Transportation Research Board in 1983. He implemented research findings for the Minnesota Local Roads Research Board from 1975 to 1987 and published “Ten Years of Research Implementation and Technology Transfer for Local Agencies in Minnesota” (with Bodoczy and Dietheim) in 1986.
He received his Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and PhD. in Civil Engineering from the University of Minnesota. He is Secretary-Treasurer of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT) and is active in a number of professional organizations, including the American Society of Civil Engineering, American Society for Testing and Materials, the Transportation Research Board, the American Public Works Association, the Canadian Technical Asphalt Association.
Elected: 1995