Professor William S. Housel deservedly enjoys world-wide recognition for his contributions in the fields of soil mechanics and flexible pavements. He served many years as a consultant to the Michigan Highway Department, during which time he made extensive studies of flexible pavement in that State. In 1965 he received the Roy W. Crum Distinguished Service Award at the annual meeting of the Highway Research Board for his many contributions to the improvement of highways.
During World War II he served in the Civil Engineer Corps of the U. S. Navy as Executive Officer responsible for the development of roads and airfields in the Pacific area. After this service he returned to the University of Michigan in continuance of his previous duties.
His talents have been much utilized by various committees of the Highway Research Board, The American Society for Testing and Materials and many other technical organizations toward developing new techniques in the use of materials and methods of flexible pavement design during his 40 years in this field of endeavor.
As a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Michigan, his many services to education and research in civil engineering generally, and in research related to highways and highway structures specifically, will leave an indelible mark.
At the time of this writing, he continues to serve as a consultant to many organizations world-wide. He served as Chairman of the first two International Conferences on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements held at the University of Michigan in 1962 and 1967.
Elected: 1971