The Asphalt Institute has developed this binder specification database for Canadian provinces. Available below (as downloadable pdf files) are individual documents for each of the provincial highway agencies which summarize their respective asphalt binder specifications. A standardized format is used to list the PG requirements as well as PG-Plus requirements for grades listed in that State’s specifications. Notes are included for additional details. Other information includes the province website where the specifications can be found, the State contact person, specification exclusions, descriptions, etc.
All specifications are in Adobe PDF format
AI will periodically contact the Binder or Materials Engineer listed on the document to review the information for accuracy. The date of this last review is included. Corrections or comments may be emailed to us by using the link below. Changes will only be made after confirmation by the individual listed for that province.
If you have any corrections or comments, please fill out our form for corrections or comments.
While care has been taken to provide the most accurate and current information, users are warned that there may be inaccuracies and recent specification revisions may not be reflected. To ensure the most accurate information, the particular agency should be contacted. In addition, this compilation of information should not infer an Asphalt Institute endorsement for any of the specifications or requirements listed.
The specifications for performance-graded (PG) asphalt binders are given by AASHTO M320 or ASTM D6373.