PG Verification (AASHTO M320)
This series of tests will provide confirmation of performance grade for submittal to state agencies or for in-house quality checks. All of the included tests are performed at one temperature. Included Tests/Practices:
- Flash Point
- Rotational Viscosity
- Original DSR
- RTFO including Mass Loss
- Pressure Aging Vessel
PG Verification with MP1a Analysis
Same as PG verification with the addition of the Direct Tension test and the BBR at two temperatures. This combination of tests provides a more in-depth low temperature property analysis. Direct tension data is incorporated with that of the BBR to determine compliance with critical cracking requirements. Included Tests/Practices:
- Flash Point
- Rotational Viscosity
- Original DSR
- RTFO including Mass Loss
- BBR, 2 temperature
PG Classification (AASHTO M320)
Same combination of tests as the PG Verification with additional test temperatures. A classification assigns the performance grade and gives precise determinations of failure points (critical temperatures). Included Tests/Practices:
- Flash Point
- Rotational Viscosity
- Original DSR, 2 temperatures
- RTFO including Mass Loss
- RTFO DSR, 2 temperatures
- PAV DSR, 2 temperatures
- BBR, 2 temperatures
PG Classification with MP1a analysis
Same combination of tests as the PG verification with MP1a analysis with the addition of additional test temperatures. Direct Tension and BBR data are combined to assign a PG grade with critical cracking temperature. Included Tests/Practices:
- Flash Point
- Rotational Viscosity
- Original DSR, 2 temperatures
- RTFO including Mass Loss
- RTFO DSR, 2 temperatures
- Pressure Aging Vessel
- PAV DSR, 2 temperatures
- Bending Beam Rheometer, 2 temperatures
- Direct Tension, 2 temperatures
Viscosity Grade Verification (AASHTO M226)
This system was used extensively prior to the development of Superpave. Does not address low temperature properties. Included Tests/Practices:
- Absolute Viscosity
- Kinematic Viscosity
- Penetration
- Flash Point
- Solubility
- Thin Film Oven Test
- Absolute Viscosity (TFO Residue)
- Ductility (TFO Residue)
Penetration Grade Verification (AASHTO M20)
While this system is no longer commonly used in the United States, the penetration test is still a valuable indicator of consistency of source or process. Included Tests/Practices:
- Penetration
- Flash Point
- Ductility
- Solubility
- Thin Film Oven Test
- Retained Penetration after TFOT
- Ductility after TFOT
Emulsified Asphalt Analysis (AASHTO M140)
Emulsified Asphalts are typically used as surface treatments and tack coats. They fall into four categories: quick setting, rapid setting, medium setting and slow setting. Emulsions can also be cationic and anionic. Depending on the type, several combinations of tests can be required to verify adherence to specification. Included Tests/Practices:
- Saybolt Furol Viscosity 2 temperatures
- Storage and Stability
- Demulsibility
- Coating Ability and Water Resistance
- Cement Mixing Test
- Sieve Test
- Residue by Distillation
- Oil distillate by Volume of Emulsion
- Penetration of Residue from Distillation
- Ductility of Residue from Distillation
- Solubility
- Float Test
Cutback Asphalt Analysis (AASHTO M81/82)
Cutback Asphalts are commonly used in cold mixes or as prime applications. The two types are Rapid-Curing and Medium-Curing. Included Tests/Practices:
- Kinematic Viscosity
- Flash Point
- Water Percent
- Distillation Test
- Residue from Distillation
- Absolute Viscosity of residue
- Ductility of residue
- Solubility of residue
- Spot Test
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