- This is an online, learn-at-your-own-pace, course hosted on the Asphalt Institute Learning Portal.
- For payment issues, please see our Learning System Checkout and Payment page.
- For group registrations or other issues, please contact us by email (webinars@asphaltinstitute.org) or phone (859.288.4960).
Price: $200
What makes an asphalt pavement a durable asphalt pavement? The answer to this question really is a combination of factors – all of which can contribute to success or early failure. The purpose of this four-part webinar series is to provide the attendee with a holistic understanding of the various factors that can impact the durability of an asphalt pavement from the selection of materials and pre-construction decisions to preservation of the pavement after it has been built and opened to traffic.
- Session Part I: Durable Asphalt Pavements: Materials [$50] Enroll Today!
Materials – the properties of aggregates and asphalt binder can impact the durability of an asphalt mixture in service in positive and negative ways. - Session Part II: Durable Asphalt Pavements: Design [$50] Enroll Today!
Design – thickness design, designing Perpetual Pavements, and proper mix design work with good materials to provide a great start on the path to becoming a durable asphalt pavement. - Session Part III: Durable Asphalt Pavements: Production and Construction [$50] Enroll Today!
Production and Construction – great materials and proper design practices may not matter if the asphalt mixture is not properly produced and constructed. - Session Part IV: Durable Asphalt Pavements: Preservation [$50] Enroll Today!
Preservation – preserving the asset of a well-designed, well-constructed asphalt pavement will allow it to fully achieve the title of “durable asphalt pavement”.
- Moderator – R. Michael Anderson, P.E., Asphalt Institute Director of Research and Lab Services, Association of Asphalt Paving Technologist Executive Director
- Session 1 – Brian Prowell and Bob McGennis
- Session 2 – Richard Willis and Don Christensen
- Session 3 – Erv Dukatz, Becky McDaniel, and Tim Aschenbrener
- Session 4 – Judith Corley Lay and Greg Harder
Professional Development Hours
- 4.5 hrs., 1.5 PDH per session part
- Earned PDHs and certifications can be downloaded at your convenience when logged into the Asphalt Institute Learning Portal. Using the menu icon in the upper left corner, go to the “My Activities” menu option: select either the “Courses” or “Learning Plans” option from the menu on the page. To the right of each course or learning plan you have completed will be an award icon. Clicking that icon will allow you to download the desired certificate.
- Registration is per individual. Only the registered person will receive emails about the webinar and will be recognized for a PDH certificate. See below for group registration.
Group Registration & PDH Certificate Policy
- Full details are listed on the Group Registration Policy page.
For more information contact
- Asphalt Institute Headquarters
- Phone: 859.288.4960
- Fax: 859.288.4999
- Email: webinars@asphaltinstitute.org